
C is for Colin and Cheryl

Colin and Cheryl happen to be my parents and are the best parents in the world. They are as supportive as a wood beam. I know that that probably sounds like I really want my parents to give me something but I actually do think that they the most supportive parents. They are very helpful in hard times like when my uncle died.

First I will talk about my Dad. An awesome thing about my Dad is that we share the same birthday cool right!? I guess I am sort of like the best birthday present he's ever had. His birthday is June 3, 19__ I am sorry but hes has forbidden me from telling you the year. Another awesome thing about my dad is that he drives a race car which I think is awesome. He is very nice and has a job as an engineer that is pretty cool. I think his job is pretty cool and I am considering that as a career. So those are some of the cool things about my dad.

Now my Mom. My mom doesn't have the same birthday as me or anything, but she is a great cook. I like to help her cook and we have a lot of fun. Her birthday is November 17, 19__ again I am not aloud to tell you the year. She is a stay at home mom who loves to play with her kids.

Overall I think I have the best parents in the world I am glad that my parents will teach me right and wrong and not let me do whatever I want. I hope they will help become a successful person with a good life.

For example at my old school a lot of the got to go to friends houses right off the bus my mom didn't agree with that and now I know why, this year a kid did that and scared his mom to death I would never do that to my mom.

Life Lesson: Even though your parents can be mean they are just trying to help you.

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